Francisco Salvador Speciale, Grandson of Capracotta Emigrants

Francisco Salvador Speciale
Francisco Salvador Speciale
Francisco Salvador Speciale

Dr. Francisco Salvador Speciale is a grandson of Salvatore Speciale and Miguelina DiTano DiNucci, emigrants who left Capracotta for America. Salvatore, along with his sister Alfonsa Speciale Borcelino, traveled to Argentina, where they settled in the city of Santiago del Estero.

Salvatore’s brother, Pietro Speciale, emigrated to Canada, while another brother, whose name has been forgotten, established a home in the United States. In Santiago del Estero, Salvatore had three grandchildren and four great grandchildren who became physicians.

Doctor Francisco Salvador Speciale is a prestigious professional who practiced medicine for 35 years, having had to retire from his field for health reasons. Dedicating himself to his other gift, literature, he devoted his life to his writing. To date, his body of work consists of 16 published works, four books of poetry, one on philosophical aphorisms, a textbook for young students, eight novels, and a religious work entitled “The Life of Jesus, the Christ.”

Doctor Speciale has garnered many awards as a writer. These include several gold medals, a commendation of honor for his cultural work in the Province of Santiago del Estero, a UNESCO award, and one from the Rotary Club of Santiago del Estero. Speciale’s name is included in the book “Notables of Santiago,” as one of the most outstanding persons of the twentieth century. Upon his seventieth birthday, Doctor Speciale received outstanding honors for his life’s work and is recognized as the greatest novelist of the Province of Santiago del Estero. On August 13, 2009, the City of Santiago del Estero bestowed upon him the Distinguished Citizen’s Award for his work as a physician and as a writer.

Dr. Francisco Salvador Speciale is a Capracottese who honors his ancestors and is a person who would like to know Capracotta, a city that he loves.

Translation: Ben Lariccia